Contact Us
Ready to bridge your legacy for the next generation?
Whether you're a business owner looking to secure the future of your company or an investor eager to support thriving SMEs, fill out the form. Let’s discuss how we can work together to create lasting impact and success for generations to come.
8/F, Peninsula Centre,
67 Mody Road. Tsim Sha Tsui,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
For Referrals
8/F, Peninsula Centre,
67 Mody Road. Tsim Sha Tsui,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Know a business ready to sell?
Part of our success is our global networks and our access to information. We are therefore interested in hearing from you if you know of a business owner you think might be considering a sale or know investors looking to invest in SMEs in our stated regions.
Once you have made your referral our team will reach out to you for more information.
For all successful referrals the eventually lead to either an acquisition or an external investor joining an acquisition, we will pay a referral fee of 3,000 USD, given that all requirements are met. For detailed conditions regarding referral, please get in touch with our team.